I was a fan of John McCain's, but I've had it up to here with the other McCains. Why? Because John McCain could have stopped Donald Trump on multiple occasions from becoming President, but he chose not to. For the geeks out there, John McCain's story during the 2016 Presidential Election reminds me of the murder of Uncle Ben in the Spider Man Comics.
When Ben's brother Richard and his wife Mary died, Ben and May decided to raise their son Peter as their own. Peter loved his uncle and aunt more than anyone in the world. Ben was killed when a burglar was robbing their house. Ben accidentally surprised him causing the burglar to shoot him. His death sparked the transformation of Peter Parker into Spider-Man. - Marvel
How so? Peter Parker was in his Spider Man Costume, cashing in on his powers, when an armed robber ran by him in the hallways of the TV studio he was at. Spider Man did nothing....
That same robber killed Uncle Ben.
Could I have done anything to stop Donald Trump from becoming President? No.
Could you have done anything to stop Donald Trump from becoming President? No.
Could John McCain have done anything to stop Donald Trump from becoming President?
In 2008, 60 million people voted for John McCain, no matter what you think of him now, that's a lot of people that went to the ballot box to cast a vote for a candidate. Even if Americans were sick of John McCain in 2016, I believe that he had enough influence to sway the 2016 election. Remember, all he would have had to do was to convince in 1 in 10 people who voted for him in 2008 to not vote Republican 8 short years later.
Alternate Universe I
On February 10, 2016, John McCain wakes up and looks at the Republican Presidential Primaries from New Hampshire and sees Trump got 35% and the Rest of the Field got 65%.
John McCain takes to the airwaves and implores all Republicans to drop out of the race except for one candidate (take your pick Kasich, Rubio, or Cruz). Team Elephant lines up behind McCain and his 1 pick and all the other candidates drop out. One on one, Rubio or Cruz could have possibly beaten Trump. Why didn't McCain rally the troops? He had his own problems, he was worried about Kelli Ward. Result: Trump potentially stopped in the Primaries.
Alternate Universe II
On June 6, 2016, John McCain accepts Hillary Clinton's offer to be the Vice-Presidential Nominee. Clinton's "Unity Ticket" polls stronger than Clinton/Kaine. "This election is too important to be decided by partisan politics" -Alternate Universe John McCain. If McCain is able to sway that 1 in 10..... Result: Trump defeated in General Election.
Alternate Universe III
On July 4, 2016, John McCain takes to the airwaves and says "me and my colleagues Jeb Bush and John Kasich all support liberty in any form, so therefore we endorse Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson." -Alternate Universe John McCain. Republicans defect to the Libertarian Party in droves. Result: Trump gets shellacked in the General Election, Johnson a close third.
Alternate Universe IV
On July 4, 2016, Mitt Romney and John McCain announce they are running for President/Vice President as independents. They siphon off 3-5% of the popular vote in the country, kill Gary Johnson's bid, and flip a handful of states from Red to Blue. Result: Clinton narrowly wins.
Alternate Universe V
On September 5, 2016, John McCain endorses Hillary Clinton, he is the first domino to fall for 15 prominent Republicans who come out in support of Clinton in the final months of the campaign. Result: Clinton narrowly wins.
Alternate Universe VI
On October 5, 2016, John McCain joins Chuck Baldwin and Glenn Beck in endorsing Constitution Party's Darrell Castle for President. McCain is the first of a large group of Republicans to jump on the Castle bandwagon at the last possible minute. Despite only garnering 1-3% of the vote in various states, it's enough to tip states like Wisconsin and Pennsylvania into the Blue. Result: Clinton wins by a SLIVER. (And chaos as lawyers and litigation swarm the American court system contesting the results.)
Alternate Universe A
John McCain receives a file from a previously reliable source, but that specific document is from unknown origins. In the file, it alleges that Donald Trump is a sexual deviant who enjoys Golden Showers from Russian Prostitutes. John McCain makes the leap that the FSB must certainly have that same document, therefore the Russians must have undue influence over Candidate Trump.
But because McCain is a principled American, he DOESN'T leak the results of the file to the American Press, since he can't confirm the origins or the veracity of the report. Result: McCain isn't being attacked by Trump in his grave.

Alternate Universe B
John McCain receives a file from a previously reliable source, but that specific document is from unknown origins. In the file, it alleges that Donald Trump is a sexual deviant who enjoys Golden Showers from Russian Prostitutes. John McCain makes the leap that the FSB must certainly have that same document, therefore the Russians must have undue influence over Candidate Trump.
Instead of leaking the file to the tabloids, (the bush league move,) which then leaked the file to the mainstream media, McCain takes to the airwaves like a man and pleads his case to the American People.
10:00 pm Pacific Time (1:00 am Eastern Time)
When the kids are all asleep on November 1, 2016, just a week before election day.
"I have irrefutable evidence that Donald Trump has engaged in lascivious and treacherous activity in conjunction with a foreign agent. I call on the Republican Party to rescind their nomination of Donald Trump and I call upon all Americans to support me on calling for Trump's name to be removed from all Presidential Ballots."
There is a firestorm of legal activity as "proof" is hard to pin down. There are riots and a police presence at precincts across America.
Result: Trump Wins by an even larger margin and McCain is scorned at his Death. Trump goes to the National Cathedral and tips over McCain's casket at the funeral.