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Putin's Tactical "Miscalculation" -or- Putin Wins Again

Writer's picture: Fred Fred

I am not going to review every decision Russian Leader Vladimir Putin has ever made, but we're going encapsulate some of his biggest moments on the world stage.

  • When Boris Yeltsin was voted Russia's first post-Soviet President, he was trying to navigate an unprecedented time where there was talk of further erosion of the Russian footprint in the East. When Yeltsin resigned in 1999, he appointed a young Vladimir Putin, who was the Prime Minister at the time, as his successor. As soon as Putin was elected, his first goal was to stop the Chechen Separatist movement. Not only did Chechnya NOT secede, no other Republics or Oblasts did either. PUTIN WINS.

  • In the year 2007, Sochi was awarded the 2014 Winter Olympics. During the Olympics, no country won more medals than Russia and the world press hailed the Sochi Olympics as a success. Well, until World Anti-Doping Agency swooped in and was appalled that the Russian Authorities had systematically cheated. Was Russia kicked out of future Olympics? No, their athletes just couldn't say they were from Russia or fly the Russian Flag. A penalty which is patently absurd. PUTIN WINS.

  • In the year 2009, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin really wanted Russia to host a World Cup. Despite the fact that FIFA later admitted that everyone involved in the process was bribed, they still let Russia host the 2018 World Cup. By all accounts the 2018 World Cup was a success, both on and off the field. PUTIN WINS.

  • In March of 2014, in support of Pro-Russia protests in Crimea, assailants took over key buildings and mechanisms. A few weeks later, the assailants were revealed to be Russian Soldiers. Since the 1940's, the Jews and Tartars have been driven from the peninsula, while the Russian population has doubled. Ukraine will never get Crimea back. PUTIN WINS.

  • From 2018 to 2019, Donald Trump said that Syria was a mess and there were no clear American Interests in the country. He ordered all troops out of the country to the consternation of his generals. PUTIN WINS.

  • In the year 2019, a bill was voted on to allow Putin to stay in power until the year 2036. Putin basically circumvented the Russian Constitution itself to stay in power. There were some protests, but the bill was signed into law in 2020. PUTIN WINS.

  • In the year 2022, after, at least, an 8 year destabilization campaign, Putin invaded Ukraine. Many close to Putin have said he wants to re-establish the boundaries of the old Soviet Union. But with the exception of the Baltic States, that have clung onto the European Union for dear life, almost all other post Soviet-countries have a leadership structure friendly to Putin. Right now, Putin controls about a fifth of Ukraine's territory. PUTIN WINS.

  • As soon at Putin invaded Ukraine, he recognized the Republic of Luhansk and the Republic of Donetsk as independent countries. 2 minutes later he declared "nah, just teasing, they're part of Russia." The world did not blink. PUTIN WINS.

  • Putin's Private Army, the Wagner Group, was led by Yevgeny Prigozhin. That army committed war crimes against sovereign nations. When the Wagner Group made victories on the battlefield, Putin gloated privately. When Prigozhin may or may not have attempted a coup, he found himself dead. How did Prigozhin die? In a plane crash, because he was "recklessly playing with hand grenades." PUTIN WINS.

  • From Alexander Litvinenko to Alexei Navalny, this is the list of Putin's enemies that have been silenced, Putin suffers no consequences. PUTIN WINS.

  • August 1, there was a prisoner exchange between Russia and the United States. Those released by Russia? Citizens and Foreign Nationals with philosophies different than Putin. Those released by the U.S. and Germany? Mad Dog Killer Types. PUTIN WINS.

We are now in a dangerous crossroads in the war. Earlier today, Ukrainian troops just flew the Ukrainian Flag in Russian Territory. Within the hour, Russia just set the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant on fire.

Putin is looking for an excuse to use a nuke. He sees Joe Biden as weak and feeble and is looking to equalize his footing on the world stage. Deep down, Putin doesn't want to use a nuke on the U.S. or Germany, they are convenient scapegoats. He doesn't want to start a full-blown World War III. Putin wants to put the foot to the throat of Ukraine, which he views as another insolent voice in Russia's Sphere of Influence. Vladimir Putin is nearly undefeated when it comes to crushing dissent inside of Russia.

The excursion of the Ukrainian Army into sovereign Russian land is the excuse Putin has been waiting for. Did Putin "allow" the Ukrainians in? To be determined....

I still believe that Putin is going to use a Topol SS-25 on some symbolic target, like pulling out his troops, then hitting Bakhmut.

For those who say that Vladimir Putin would never use a nuclear weapon, burning down a nuclear plant is the same using a nuclear weapon.

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