Random opinions about gossip that is none of my business:
I just read, like, the 100th article about Kurt Cobain's genius. I am not questioning his genius, I'm saying that if he had a better choice in women, he'd still be alive today.
Ben Affleck is simply an a-hole. He wants to be Tom Hanks, he wants to be beloved, but he's not that guy. Affleck should just embrace the a-hole that he is.
Every time I see Pete Davidson's face, I want to re-watch the rebooted Suicide Squad.
CNN came out with a piece this week that said that Hugh Hefner exploited women, including his girlfriends. Nice, timely reporting. 5 years after Hef's death and 50 years after he came out with the Playboy Template, CNN will next crack the case of the color of the sky. Listen, the Hugh Hefner Story was quite simple: Hefner was the ultimate capitalist, he knew there was a market for selling naked pictures of beautiful women and he capitalized on it. End of story.
Tristan Thompson is the definition of a PLAYA.
Everyone is clamoring that Tiger is back. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Golf ain't a sport. Tiger Woods is nothing more than a celebrity with relationship issues.
I saw an ad for Anthony Bourdain's Parts Unknown Podcast and wondered what ever happened to Asia Argento? Not surprisingly, she wrote a book. Surprisingly, one of figures at the forefront of the #metoo movement wrote a book called 'Anatomy of a Wild Heart' and nothing happened. Nothing. Tried to find the book on Amazon and eBay. Still nothing. Found a short blurb about the book at a local Paris, France website. Did her book falter because she wrote it in Italian, or because she is a complicated sexually being who may or may not have driven Bourdain to suicide? (Which doesn't fit the #metoo narrative.)
Never, ever, believe celebrities who want to keep their relationship private while they are talking to the Daily Mail about keeping things private. I am lookin' at you Shailene Woodley and Aaron Rodgers.
Let's stop there for a minute. Whenever we do Celebrity Gossip at Beacon of Speech, we are lazy. We aren't hitting the nightclubs or rubbing elbows with the hoity toity. We read our normal news sites in the morning, Drudge Report, CNN, ESPN, Daily Mail (UK), and the USA Today, and we are inevitable sucked in by gossip. Every single day there is celebrity news on mainstream media outlets, you can't miss it. But as I was working on this specific story, I kept coming across the same exact narrative about Shailene Woodley and Aaron Rodgers at very different outlets:

Rush Limbaugh used to play sound bites of 10...15....20 people on the Left all saying the same exact thing. He attributed the echo chamber to a vast left wing conspiracy. But in hindsight, as with most conspiracy theories, I am starting to think it was simple media laziness. They need content, then they cherry pick other media's stories....
I rarely break stories, I give you my opinion-
Breaking News at CNN: Ryan Reynolds Repeatedly Mistaken for Ben Affleck-
Today I'm not really mad at anyone but myself. I know better.
Sorry to double back to Anthony Bourdain, but just because he was in his early sixties, doesn't mean he didn't get hooked by the tail of a twister.
Or, in my case, a very long time ago, a Tale 'O the Twister.