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LeBron James: Part-Time, Race-Based, Social Justice Warrior

Updated: May 2, 2021

Let's review the LeBron James Social Justice Warrior credentials ONE MORE TIME.

Items Important to the Left:

White Cops Shooting Black Citizens: LeBron is very vocal and upfront about his thoughts on "Institutional Racism." He may be the most vocal athlete on this specific subject in America.

Rise in Antisemitism? Silent.

Transgender Surgery Rights? Silent.

Black Health Care Disparities? Silent.

Global Warming? Silent.

Gay Rights? Silent.

Equal Pay for WNBA players? Silent.

Taiwan? Silent.

Chinese Concentration Camps? Silent.

Free Tibet? Silent.

Indian Homeland? Silent.

Salary Disparities in America? Silent.

Homelessness? Silent.

Higher taxes for Billionaires? Silent.

Items Important to the Right:

Black on White crime? Silent.

White on White crime? Silent.

Black on Black crime? Silent.

Rights of the Unborn? Silent.

Second Amendment rights for all races? Silent....

I think you are getting the gist of what I'm trying to say.

LeBron has been demanding accountability in these specific incidents with the white cop/black citizen thread.

  • Tamir Rice

  • Trayvon Martin

  • George Floyd

  • Breonna Taylor

  • Ma'Khia Bryant

  • Andrew Brown

Repeatedly and often.

But LeBron does not work tirelessly for Social Justice. He plays basketball. He makes movies. He moves mountains of Athletic Gear for Nike. This narrative out there that athletes are now socially conscious beings just isn't so. Certain media outlets use athletes to move specific narratives. It is not brave to fight institutional racism, while marketing that you are fighting institutional racism.

Note from Editor: The original photo was a smoking gun. Photo banned by Facebook on the site for using gun image. We're going to talk about this again in the near future.

Who was the last athlete to leave a sport in his prime to do something he believed in, something that was bigger than the sport?

Pat Tillman.

How'd that go for him?


Addendum 5/2/21:

LeBron James is part of the ownership group at Liverpool that the fans are continuing to protest.

LeBron on Billionaire Owners Ruining European Soccer? Silent.


Addendum II 5/2/21:

If you said Colin Kaepernick left the NFL, you would be wrong. He left the 49ers for more money, then found out there wasn't more money to be had. That is poor management. Then he sued the league to try to get back into the NFL. That's not me speculating, Kaepernick received a cash settlement for his situation.

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