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Nutty Novelties

Do you remember K-Tel favorites like:

or even the one you'll find in my dear parents' basement

Back when I was a kid, there was no magical internet, K-Tel re-released novelty songs from the 50's and the 60's to unsuspecting 70's kids, passing them off as a new presents in re-wrapped packages. I read a generous description of the K-Tel records as being the Spotify of the the 70's.

Umm, not sure so about that.

Even though Beacon of Speech is a free speech site, silly speech is sometimes forgotten in the mix.

So in the spirit of a bygone era, we present our own concept, Nutty Novelties. Imagine a new compilation of the greatest Novelty Songs of the 10's:

1. Institutionalized - Brak (2018)

I still don't know how Andy Merrill turned an angry punk song into an instant novelty classic.

2. Safety Torch - Tobuscus (2011)

Great one-liner after one-liner. My kids introduced me to this song.

3. Foil - Weird Al Yankovic (2014)

Al at his demented best.

4. Jack Sparrow - The Lonely Island (2011)

The Lonely Island made me like Micheal Bolton, at least for a short time.

5. Bruce Campbell - Psychostick (2015)

The song is flat out, meta-referencing hilarity.

6. Dinky McDiddlyboots - Devo Spice (2016)

There's something endearing about your average dad-next-door rapping.

7. Mr. Booze - Family Guy (2011)

A faithful rendition of the 1964 original from Bing Crosby.

How many of the Rat Pack are on this video???

8. Roadie - Tenacious D (2012)

The song is a farcical tribute to the grind of the road. The video is a cameo filled treat.

9. Bohemian Rhapsody - Richard Cheese (2010)

When Richard Cheese is on his game, no one is better at lounge-comedy.

10. MRI - Derek Smalls (2018)

A Spinal Tap solo project. Nothing is more fitting for the mockumentary classic.

11. Entire Dog - Worm Quartet (2016)

Half the views when I wrote this were me.

12. Bad Girls - St. Vincent (2013)

More fun from Bob's Burgers.

13. I Wear My Dad's Dirty Socks - Tim and Eric (2012)

Tim and Eric are best when there's a layer of psychosis under the humor.

14. Running Bear - Ray Stevens (2012)

Ray Stevens' voice is so rich and soothing. He recorded this version of Running Bear at 72.

The original song performed by Johnny Preston was from 1959.

15. Skullcrusher Mountain - Jonathan Coulton (2011)

Jonathan Coulton does an amazing job of straddling comedy and sadness.


Adult Only Bonus Track:

Very Super Famous - Jon Lajoie (2011)

I'm not kidding, don't watch this unless you're way, way over 18.

Note: Numbers are track listings, not ratings. Remember, it's an imaginary compilation on vinyl.

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