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  • Writer's pictureFred

Messing with Part II -or- How I Learned to Embrace Censorship

Updated: Feb 15, 2021 ran a benign article yesterday about Norman Rockwell Style Nursing Homes:

It was a nice little article talking about dementia patients associating with the sights and sounds of the 1940's and 1950's. That nursing home is NOT where my family member is, he's in a facility that is also very nice, but it has a slightly different philosophy.

Since dementia patients are prone to running off, the floor is painted black by the doors because the patients are afraid of falling into holes. I had never heard of such a thing, but after doing some research, I found it was a controversial practice in Senior Care.

So in the article I responded as such and was banned:


I was going to rant and rave about who controls the platform controls the message and other such Freedom of Speech arguments, but I think I'm just going to quietly slink away and hope for a better day tomorrow. With the concussions I've had, dementia isn't that far down the road for me. I think I'm going to watch Kronk's New Groove on Netflix, that's one of my favorite Disney movies. That should cheer me up.

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