In 1979, Iran took 52 American hostages. Jimmy Carter didn't rescue them and when Ronald Reagan was about to take office, he let Iran know that he was going to bomb their country into the dirt.
Magically, Iran let those hostages go.
You want to tell me the complicated story of Iran and the Shah?
-ah, ah, ah- I don't care.
Go to any Muslim country in the Middle East and ask them: Who's your least favorite country in the Middle East (besides Israel)? And they will all answer: Iran. Why? Because they're filled with those nasty pests, the Shi'ites. Peace-loving Sunnis are not cool with Iran's Proxy War Act.
You continue to argue that we're the ones running proxy wars? Guess what? We're the Great Satan. True Muslims know that neighbor Iran would seed their revolutionary fervor throughout the Middle East if given the chance.
We have been on the record as to not liking Iran for many years, but as a libertarian-leaning website we don't think we should be in the Middle East at all. But if you're going to bomb a country, we should have bombed Iran instead of Iraq, Yemen, or Somalia.
Even by the low human rights standards of the Middle East, Iran seems to be the worst.
What has me in a lather today specifically? Earlier this week, the Iranian Government hung 4 Israeli spies. Their names? Muhammad bin Muhammad, Ali Abdullah, Ahmed Abbas, and Abbas Ali Muhammad. Israelis living in Iran, with very non-Israeli names?
I mean, c'mon, we should just bomb Iran for being absurd.
Here's a secret: You want to nuke Iran and get away with it?
If you're Israel, open a humanitarian channel to Egypt, literally let everyone left in Gaza to leave Gaza. Egypt doesn't want Palestinian refugees? Too bad. Then pull back the IDF. Wait a day, and then nuke the tunnels under Gaza.
You know what you'd find in those tunnels afterwards, fused into the sand? A bunch of members of Hamas and Iranians.
About an hour northwest of Las Vegas is the Nevada Proving Grounds. The United States government detonated over 1,000 weapons there, over 800 of those tests were underground. The Russians didn't nuke us, technically we nuked ourselves.
If Benjamin Netanyahu wants to be etched in history for a thousand years, detonate a nuke under Gaza. When the world howls, tell them you tested a weapon, under ground, in your own territory. Other than that, don't tell them squat. Can you tell where a nuke has been set off within 10 yards or so? Of course not. No one can pinpoint the exact spot of an underground explosion. Technically Israel doesn't have nukes and never signed the NPT. They can CLAIM they ran a test in the empty desert near Kisufim. You can't get in trouble for running tests in your own country, right?
Make it so NO ONE can live in Gaza. There's no condos on top of the Proving Grounds in Nevada. Turn Gaza into Chernobyl. The Far Right in Israel wants to put condos in Gaza NOW.
You think I'm just being a provocateur?