I changed my mind and finally agree with the American Left. CNN was right and I was wrong. Now that Georgia has a new voting law, America of 2021 is officially the most racist place that's ever existed in the history of the world. Because the melting pot experiment has failed, this is what we're going to do.
The population of the United States is about 330,000,000.
The area of the United States is about 3.8 million square miles.
So what we're going to do is take Alaska out of the equation immediately, then circle around and address the frozen tundra later. The area of Alaska is 660,000 or so square miles. For easy math, we are going to tinker with the remaining 3 million square miles of the United States.
The ethnicity of the United States is about 60% White
20% Hispanic
15% Black
5% Asian
1% Native American/Alaskan Native
(4% Other)
Now because the races can't play nice anymore, we are going to split them up. We'll exempt Texas and Florida to start. Any race can continue to live in those 2 states as remnants of the romantic version of Americana. Subtract 335,000 square miles, 2,665,000 square miles remain.
2,665,000 square miles x 15% = (about) 400,000 square miles.
These will be the Black States: Arkansas, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, Illinois, and Louisiana.
Black Homeland: Georgia
The rules of the Black States are simple. You can only live in the Black States if you are Black. If you are a different race, you can apply for a work visa in Black states, but that is up to the states to accept or deny work visas. In the Black Homeland, no work visas for other races.
2,665,000 square miles x 20% = (about) 535,000 square miles
These will be the Hispanic States: California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado.
Hispanic Homeland: Arizona
The rules of the Hispanic States are simple. You can only live in the Hispanic States if you are Hispanic. If you are a different race, you can apply for a work visa in Hispanic states, but that is up to the states to accept or deny work visas. In the Hispanic Homeland, no work visas for other races.
2,665,000 square miles x 5% = (about) 135,000 square miles.
These will be the Asian States: Hawaii and Oregon
Asian Homeland: Hawaii
The rules of the Asian States are simple. You can only live in the Asian States if you are Asian. If you are a different race, you can apply for a work visa in Asian states, but that is up to the state to accept or deny work visas. In the Asian Homeland, no work visas for other races.
2,665,000 square miles x 1% = (about) 25,000 square miles.
This will be the Native American State: Oklahoma
We will then split Oklahoma in half and revert to the 1900 borders.
Native American Homeland: Former Indian Territory in Eastern Oklahoma
The remaining sections of the United States will be White States.
White Homeland: Idaho
The rules of the White States are simple. You can only live in the White States if you are White. If you are a different race, you can apply for a work visa in White states, but that is up to the state to accept or deny work visas. In the White Homeland, no work visas for other races.

Immigration will no longer be controlled by the Federal Government. If South Dakota decides they want to give asylum 10,000 White South African Farmers, fine. If Arkansas decides they want to house a million Ugandan refugees, good for them. If Hawaii decides they are going to build the infrastructure on an uninhabited island to welcome a million persecuted Taiwanese citizens, that's very noble of them. If Arizona throws open the southern border and says "the first million who can get to the border are citizens," that's their prerogative.
As a matter of fact a lot of the Federal Government is going to be de-centralized with more focus on the states. State's Rights advocates are going to be in heaven. Drugs Laws, Abortion Laws, Gun Laws, all thrown back at the states.
If you revert the power to states, and you're a Black Man living in a Black State, no more "institutional racism." You can visit any state you like, the tourism industry will continue to exist, but you will be the majority in the Black Homeland.
But we're not going to be the World's Policemen anymore, either, we can't get our own shit together. So we're going to start closing bases around the world, which circles us back to Alaska.
The trip from Attu Station, Alaska to Juneau, Alaska is over 2,000 miles. You now have 2,000 miles of Alaska coastline to build bases. You make Alaska aracial with the exception of the Native Alaskans. Whereas Texas would be multi-racial, in Alaska you won't be asking for race because the future will be Green and Blue, meaning the Army and the Navy.
You're already shooting holes in my proposal? Listen, it is not as far-fetched as you think. Let's return to our hot spot of Georgia as an example. If you are White and you own the company, it's a .com and the company is your company, you are Grandfather'ed in until you move to a White State or sell to a Black Man.
But say you're CNN or Coca Cola, CNN & Coca Cola's founders are long gone. There's no reason CNN and Coca Cola can't be run by Blacks from the CEO position down to the lowest positions in the company right now. There really isn't. So if, as corporations, they want to take stands in regional kerfuffles, they should be ready to back up their words and just not make PR grabs. Because I'm not the only one saying that the endgame is a Black Homeland,
I anxiously await endorsements of the CNN/Coca Cola/Beacon of Speech Racial Re-Organization Plan from national media outlets.