How can I say such a thing? I don't even know USWNT star Tierna Davidson....
"At 19, I was working full-time, going to school full-time, and playing amateur indoor soccer on Sunday nights. If an indoor soccer team would have offered me $20,000 a year, I would have quit school AND work and joined the MISL.
But trust me, I wasn't good enough. I knew it then, I know it now. But I remember games where I played until I nearly puked, then other short handed teams after our games would ask me to play and I would stupidly say yes." That's a direct quote from me from earlier this year.
Since this is my Blog, I want to expand upon Young Fred's mindset.
I used to joke with my friends at work that I would play soccer with the Devil. And if you knew some of my teammates, that wasn't very far from the truth.....

As a team, was there:
Too much fighting? Yeah.
Too much drinking? Yeah.
Too much drama? Yeah.
But my teammates' good, or bad, habits didn't change me. We all loved to play soccer.
Did I know the sexuality of all my teammates? I did not. I know our goalie's fiancee (1 of 8, I might add) once tried to fight an opposing team's player. That turned into quite a mess. I do know that one of my teammates hooked up with my girlfriend, I dumped her and kept playing soccer. And I had suspicions about some of the other "non-traditional" personal arrangements, but you know what? I NEVER ASKED.
Because I just wanted to play soccer.
The locker room was not used to advance Left- or Right- Wing talking points. We literally had a guy get bailed out of jail and drive straight to the soccer field. I didn't whine to the coach "I don't wanna play with Bill R., he's a felon."
You know how badly my own teammates would have beaten me?
According to the Daily Mail:
USWNT star Tierna Davidson says Korbin Albert's anti-LGBTQ messages 'Affected her Personally' while her teammate has 'Gone Through a Lot of Learning'
What a load of crap.
So let me get this straight, for my own mental health. Korbin Albert posted a scripture passage, on her own social media account, and it upset the LGBTQ-leaning USWNT, specifically Tierna Davidson?
I would cut Tierna Davidson immediately.
I am not using hyperbole.
If I was the coach of the USWNT I would say:
"I don't care if you date one another.
I don't care if you date and rotate partners.
I don't care if you're gay.
I don't care if you're straight.
I care about winning soccer games. The USWNT is not a platform for social change. I will cut this whole locker room today, and I will promote the 20th to 40th best women in the United States to the national team, and we will STILL be one of the Top 10 Soccer Teams in the world. I am personally offended that this drama is happening inside the locker room, and is now playing out at the DAILY MAIL. You know what I need on this team? Finishers.
You know why we didn't win the 2023 Women's World Cup? Because we didn't play like a team up front. During open play, we outshot our opponents 85-20 (29-2 on target). It is almost statistically impossible to lose with those lopsided stats, but we did, because we had a lack of aim and a lack of chemistry."
If the USWNT is so fragile that a practicing Christian disrupts their training routine, social justice warriors need to be cut in favor of soccer players.
"But Fred Hunt, it's a different time."
Did I like it when Bill R. drank so much alcohol at halftime he vomited in the garbage can next to me? No I did not. When players snuck their girlfriends in the locker room, did I sulk? No, I changed in the hallway. Did anything that my teammates did 'affect me personally?' What are we talking about here? I cannot stress this enough, I was playing on a low-level amateur team and my biggest worry was getting jumped in the parking lot by opposing players (which did happen a few times to my teammates.) My teammates' personal lives were none of my business.
How old are these ladies? They're all adults. This is an insulting conversation to be having.
If I wasn't grossly out of shape, I would play tomorrow if called. I wouldn't take an inventory of any of my old teammates' sexuality or religious status before making my decision.