This is the annual rankings of the sports talkers in the Cleveland Market.

1. Ken Carmen (-) 92.3 The Fan
I still can't get past that Carmen is under 30. His enthusiasm is contagious and his knowledge is deep.
2. Adam the Bull (+1) 92.3 The Fan
Again, no one knows the INDIANS better. You know, the team in Cleveland that actually wins consistently.
3. Dustin Fox (+1) 92.3 The Fan
You want to hate Dustin Fox, but he gives you a wink and a smirk and you love him.

4. Les Levine 92.3 The Fan /
His versatility really is amazing. Sounds great on his own, sounds great with Baskins, sounds great with Phelps. Sounds great with whomever.
5. Jeff Thomas - 92.3 The Fan
Best supporting cast member on any show in the city. (I copied and pasted Thomas' review from last year. Here's something from the Thomas archives.)
6. Tony Grossi - 850 WKNR
The General may see some glimmers of hope in the Thousand Year War.
7. Jim Donovan - 850 WKNR / 92.3 The Fan
THE Voice of the Cleveland Browns,
8. Je’Rod Cherry - 850 WKNR
Je'Rod now anchors the best show, top to bottom, on WKNR.
9. Emmit Golden - 850 WKNR
A perfect yin to Cherry's yang.

10. Tony Rizzo (-8 spots) 850 WKNR
Rizzo's act has worn thin, but his skill set is still sharp. The problem here is now we are going to penalize Rizzo for keeping around Aaron Goldhammer. Goldhammer was the head of the Johnny Manziel Bandwagon and was the biggest Baker Mayfield Hater. It doesn't matter if he ate the poop.
You can't drop Goldhammer's rating any lower, so the Really Big Show gets penalized. If Keith Williams would have just kept Josh Szabo and Jeff Thomas, the show could have overcome Goldhammer's buffoonary. But just Riz and Hammer....
Don't tell me Rizzo has no say in Goldhammer's employment.
11. Brian Windhorst - 850 WKNR
One day Windhorst will be happy. And then I'll stop listening.
12, Anthony Lima – 92.3 The Fan
Keeps getting better on the Best Sports Talk Show in Cleveland (and now his name's on it.)
13. Chico Boreman - 92.3 The Fan
I like Chico. The Fan keeps filling the Pete Franklin slot with winners.
14. Mike Snyder - 1100 WTAM
I always wondered when he slept.
15. Andy Baskins – 92.3 The Fan
No problems.
16. Jeff Phelps – 92.3 The Fan
Keeps chugging along.
17. Greg Brinda - 1100 WTAM
The Dean is a Cleveland Hall-of-Famer. Why so low? Because I didn't even know he was back on the air. So this grade is more of a reflection of WTAM than on Mr. Brinda. Listen to his Podcast here.
18. Dave Skoczen - 850 WKNR
19. Kenny Roda – 1480 WHBC
Kenny Roda is good, just not good enough to seek him out on the Canton station.
20. Mike Trivisonno – 1100 WTAM
Ted called me one day and said he was shocked that he heard something really funny on the Triv Show. Then he realized they were playing a re-broadcast from 2011.
21. Nick Camino - 1100 WTAM
He's still not that memorable.
22. Chris Fedor – 92.3 The Fan /
You want to hate Fedor but he has a certain radio charm. Then you read his columns and you realize that you really do HATE him.

23. Nathan Zegura – 850 WKNR
Again, he's often the smartest guy in the room and his job got easier this year. When the Browns are winning, it's not so bad spinning their message. Maybe he'll grow on me.
24. Beau Bishop – 850 WKNR
Somehow Cleveland Browns Daily found someone as bad as Matt Wilhelm instead of upgrading.

25. Aaron Goldhammer – 850 WKNR
I'm done talking about him. Period.