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Chris Quinn: Woke Gatekeeper

Writer's picture: Fred Fred

Updated: Dec 2, 2024

So the day before Thanksgiving, Chief Propagandist at broke out with this amazing quote: "We come to Thanksgiving 2024 as a country beset by anxiety about conflicts foreign and domestic. Some despair our current state. Others fear what’s ahead."

Umm, that's not what's going on in this country at all. Half of America is optimistic for the future, and half is pessimistic.

Chris Quinn, and all the people in his liberal bubble, are split between half-despair and half-fear? There's an entire half of the country he's not talking too.

Which brings us to the point of our article...

Last week, Chris Quinn lamented the lack of young opinions and a dearth of conservative and right-wing voices at his newspaper (and website.) He asked for more input from the community for possible solutions in reaching out to "the other side."

I reached out to Quinn directly and said the reason he didn't have bright young reporters is that he chased them away. I assume he didn't appreciate being told that, especially because one of his best young reporters jumped ship to Axios Cleveland.

Cleveland, Ohio used to be a 2-newspaper town, but the Cleveland Press stopped publishing way back in 1982. Despite being the only game in town, is continually outhustled by Scene Magazine, the Cleveland Jewish News, Axios Cleveland, and even the Daily Mail (UK) on some days.

Since Quinn has been in charge, he has restricted speech in these ways:

  • Removed the comments section.

  • Limited editorials, both in length and by number published.

  • Doesn't share controversial content to social media.

  • Restricts debate on social media.

  • Shrank the editorial board and replaced its member with woke warriors and mommy bloggers.

  • Cut the newsroom to under 100 reporters. (For comparison's sake, the Washington Post howled when their METRO section was cut to under 100.)

  • Broke the union in his own building, then didn't report on it.

Right now, is nothing more than a high-end blog. Its content is mostly limited to:

  • Local and national news, reported through the liberal prism.

  • Advice columns, both national and local.

  • Sports, lots and lots of sports.

As a matter of fact, if the Cleveland Browns and Cleveland Cavaliers both left town, would fold almost immediately.

When Chris Quinn disingenuinely asked to hear more voices, he inadvertently showed his true colors when he blurted out that some conservative writers actually offered their services, but he said he was going to go in a different direction.

So Quinn asked for a cross section of voices, got volunteers to be those voices, then said "ahhh, no, we're good here."

He is Cleveland's Gatekeeper. If you contact him directly, there is no public transparency. If you write an editorial, he decides if it makes print. He controls the mechanisms of who remains at the PD/ as it slowly bleeds to death. He is not a free speech champion, he is highly paid pawn in the Democrat Party-Propaganda Machine...

You know what? We are really beating a dead horse here.


From the time Kamala Harris was announced as candidate at the Democrat National Convention until the day she lost in the general election, the media chirped the whole time that Harris was ahead, and that Donald Trump better accept the results when he lost.

The Harris Campaign itself though, was suspiciously quiet throughout the process. Why? Today, Thanksgiving Day, the day most of the media is off with their families, the Harris Campaign admitted their candidate was never ahead in their internal polling.

You have got to be kidding me.....

But the media....

You know what? ARTICLE OVER


Addendum: 12 hours later

You think I'm just a bully that won't leave poor Chris Quinn alone?

This, from the Daily Mail, just hours after I published this article:

Guess what city they're talking about?


Addendum: 2 Days later

Maybe Chris Quinn needs a Fairness Meter at the end of every one of his articles.

(Just trying to help.)

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