According to the Daily Mail, 2 hunters died when they contracted Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) from eating contaminated deer meat. CWD in deer is commonly known to create Zombie Deer, even though the animals are very much alive.
Now if you don't eat Zombie Deer, in theory, you should be okay, right? Well here's the problem, if CWD gets into the food chain, there's going to be huge issues. CWD is similar to Mad Cow Disease because cooking the meat of a contaminated animal doesn't kill the core of the CWD and the pathogen is nearly always fatal in humans.
I shouldn't make light of a very, very serious situation, but I stared at the graphic of the Zombie Deer versus a Normal Deer for an inordinately long amount of time. And I couldn't think but to ask: How in the hell can you tell a depressed deer? Maybe the deer had a traumatic life event or currently has a mild mental illness.
Worst case scenario, maybe that deer is a junkie. If I had to create a graphic for a human in the grips of spiraling drug addiction, the image below would look eerily similar to the Zombie Deer.

I mean, c'mon, depressed deer?
What am I supposed to do with that?

I can't even get the AI to create a good crazed, depressed, zombie deer.
You know what? I think we're done here. Article over.