Let me be clear, let me be concise, Donald Trump is not doing a great job in relation to the coronavirus outbreak. With that being said, what he has done, so far, is upheld the First Amendment.
These are the American Journalists who would be either missing, dead, or in jail if Donald Trump was the equivalent of Xi Jinping. (Side Note: Campaign to 'Thank' Xi Jinping Flatly Rejected by Citizens.) Just in the past 2 or 3 days ALONE, all of these writers have crossed the line that would have cost them their 'freedom' in China:
Michael D'Antonio - CNN
Elizabeth Cohen - CNN
Chris Cillizza - CNN
Editor's Note: Cillizza photo may be altered from CNN approved sources.
Joe Lockhart - CNN
Richard Galant - CNN
Marlow Stern - The Daily Beast
Sam Brody - The Daily Beast
Matthew Yglesias - Vox
David Frum - The Atlantic
Peter Wehner - The Atlantic
Dan Diamond - Politico
Lee Moran - Huffington Post
S.V Date - Huffington Post
William Wan - The Washington Post
Amy Davidson Sorkin - The New Yorker
and, of course, yours truly, Fred Hunt - Beacon of Speech
The difference between me and all of the esteemed writers above? I know if I lived in China I'd be dead or missing. The other arrogant writers seem to take for granted their freedoms in America. If I was Chinese, would I have had the courage to continue to speak out against the Communist Government after my first article? Who are we kidding, probably not. But living in the Midwest has afforded me the luxury of chucking pebbles at the crimes committed in China and question the 3 month head start that Donald Trump didn't take when he was first briefed about the virus in December. The coronavirus started in China, I ask all of the other writers above: Where was your rage at Xi Jinping for stomping on basic human rights, including Freedom of Speech?
All of the writers, myself included, should include this disclaimer in their articles criticizing the President: "And special thanks to the United States Constitution for allowing me to publish this article."
Seriously. You may end up dying of coronavirus in America, but at least you died in a free country.