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Covid Round 4

Writer's picture: Fred Fred

From last year:

"I believe I had Covid during the first wave in 2020. Documented Here. There were no tests available.

I also had a quick brush with death relating to the Covid Vaccine in 2021. Documented Here.

Then I got Covid during my Wedding Anniversary in 2022. (You can ask my wife the details.)

And then I got Covid last week (2023.) The physical symptoms were no worse than a mild flu or bad cold. The mental symptoms literally broke my brain. Documented Here."

Well, guess who's back?

On Monday Night: 3rd straight day of intense nightmares. Physical symptoms were irritability, body aches, and extreme fatigue.

On Tuesday, I went home from work after 3 hours and then took an 8 hour nap. When I woke up, in a sweat, my wife said I needed to see a mental health professional about the nightmares.

On Wednesday, I slept the day away. Awake until I slept, slept until awake.

On Thursday, I returned to work. Those close to me were convinced it was a mental health episode. Then, throughout the day, other people close to me started testing positive for Covid. Lo and behold, Fred's not crazy after all. But I still can't focus, that's why you get this crappy, cut-and-paste, hack job of an article.

And, here's the money shot. On Thursday afternoon, my hearing shifted.

What does that mean?

My hearing has been deteriorating over the past few years to the point where a cochlear implant has been in the discussion. Then, today, I heard a muted pop and, all of a sudden, it was like my brain was an old time radio and someone was adjusting the knobs.

I don't want to talk about this anymore...

I am very upset. I am going to let the Ramones lull me back to sleep. I don't even have to hear the song, my mind can play it by memory.

My brain is hanging upside down

(Ah, na-na-na)

And I need something to slow me down

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