Editor's Note: The working title of this article was: The Jews are F@#%ing GENIUSES!
I am going to tell you a short story. My dearly departed Grandfather, like many Grandfathers out there, was infatuated with war.

He was a World War II veteran and taped the entire 100 hours of the United States (and its multi-national coalition) sweeping across the Iraqi Desert where Saddam Hussein's Elite Republican Guard couldn't surrender fast enough in the Gulf War.
He turned on CNN and rotated VHS tapes for 4 straight days. I'm sure my Grandmother let him take a nap or two. But in his later years, those VHS tapes were his prized possessions. Right before his death in his 90's, alone in the nursing home, I paid him what would be my last visit. He pulled me aside for a strange request. "Hey Freddie, can you fix my VCR, I'd like to watch the Gulf War again..."
So as I keep my eyes peeled on the Russian-Ukrainian Border, I HAVE to take a sidebar and note what Benjamin Netanyahu did this week. He changed the rules of modern warfare, and it would be neglectful for me not to mention it.
After the Holocaust, the newly formed Israeli Government's Motto was "never again." Israel would fight all comers and quickly evolved into an efficient little military state. For a country about the size of New Jersey, there is no fiercer, or more intelligent, army, again, for their fighting weight.
You want to scream at me about the atrocities in Gaza?
The 2-State Solution is a very easy solution.
Israel allows an independent, self-governed Palestinian state, and all the Palestinians, Lebanese, and Iranians have to do is say that Israel has the right to exist.
This is the part where Iran, who provides the money to Hamas and Hezbollah, shrieks "die, Jew, die." This is the part where the Palestinians chant "from the river to the sea, which is code for: "die, Jew, die."
Since October 7, Netanyahu's stance has been simple: I will kill you before you can kill me.
That is war in its most basic form.
I need to reiterate this, yet again. There are no Hamas or Hezbollah Army Bases. They operate in tunnels, schools, and private residences. There is no Hezbollah Army Barracks for Israel to target.
The question, once Israel decided to focus on Lebanon, was: How do you kill Hezbollah fighters without killing Lebanese Citizens? This week we found out the answer. Israeli intelligence infiltrated Hezbollah's Supply Chain. Somehow, and I'm still not clear enough on the process to explain it in an article, Israel replaced regular pagers with exploding pagers. Likewise, Israel replaced regular disposable cell phones with exploding cell phones. Israel didn't trick the Lebanese by selling the pagers or cell phones in the cities or at the markets, somehow, someway, they got between Iran and its proxy fighters.
At a magical given time, the Israelis sent a message to the pagers to explode. And they did, killing dozens and injuring thousands. A day later, the Israelis sent a message to the phones to explode. And they did, killing dozens and injuring thousands.
Iran said Israel violated the international rules of war. Even though they haven't provided one shred of evidence the pagers or phones belonged to anyone other than Hezbollah's network. The Iranians said there was lots of collateral damage.
Yeah, that's war.
Now Lebanese citizens are afraid to house Hezbollah fighters. They're afraid to be around Hezbollah fighters in their places of work or markets. Hezbollah itself is afraid to use baby monitors and computers in their communications, they're afraid those are going to blow up next.
What happened to Hezbollah is some real James Bond-level shit.
Some Israeli hostages from October 7 said that even though they are now free, they were demoralized because they weren't held in jails or army headquarters, they were reportedly being held in guest rooms and basements of private homes. Hamas would move the hostages from home to home.
That is what Israel is fighting.
Netanyahu's genius is two-fold:
Israeli's enemy has now had catastrophic failures of communication. Israel's communication is intact because they used approved military vendors. For the short term, it will be hard for Hezbollah to communicate anything.
Once Hamas and Hezbollah are evicted from the neighborhoods, they are easy pickings.

The 2-State Solution will work.
Let's repeat this slowly.
Israel, you will give Palestine its own state.
Netanyahu: "Yes, as soon as the Palestinians says we have the right to exist and stop attacking us."
Hamas and Hezbollah, just say "Israel has the right to exist."
Hamas and Hezbollah (and Iran): "Israel-"
H&H&I: "has-"
H&H&I: "the-"
H&H&I: "right-"
H&H&I: "to-"
H&H&I: "die, Jew, die."
You cannot negotiate with an enemy that wants you dead.
And Netanyahu knows it.