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  • Writer's pictureFred

Facebook Porn

Yesterday I was surfing through Facebook Watch and some Porn came up.

Not partially obstructed porn.

Not simulated porn.

Full on pornography.

I did watch some of it before the feed broke, but that's not my point. In February, I noticed obstructed porn starting to show up on my Facebook Feed:

"Which reminds me, 4 years ago I said in order for Facebook to keep growing, they were going to have to start having giveaways and contests, not unlike McDonald's.
You know why Mark Zuckerberg is a "genius" and I'm a loser? Because Zuckerberg came up with a better idea.

I want to be clear that my tongue was planted firmly in my cheek when I also wrote this: "I think it's hilarious that some hacker tagged Mark Zuckerberg on some porn and then hijacked the algorithm. This is a non-graphic screen shot. That poor girl got 'stuck' under her bed. Things go sideways for her real, real quick."

What's my problem with free porn? Simple. Let's say that someone jammed the signal at ABC and porn went out over the airwaves. Man is ABC in trouble. People are getting fired, people are going to jail.

Let's say someone jammed the stream at Netflix and porn streamed on your TV. Man is Netflix in trouble. People are getting fired, people are going to jail.

Facebook "accidentally" telecasts porn on their platform and they get defensive.

"Fred Hunt, you're a filthy old man. You should have reported what you saw on Facebook as soon as you saw the first frame of pornography."

I ain't reporting crap. I believe complaining about free porn gets you kicked out of the Libertarian Party.

But let me ask you this: If 50,000 people work at Facebook, how do broadcasters hack the system?

Let me put it another way. If Ted and I rebooted Beacon of Speech for Facebook Watch, you know how many people would watch that? Seriously. Fred and Ted speaking into a microphone talking about Classic Rock? Maybe 10 people. Maybe 20. The Facebook Algorithm would NOT expose us to 150,000 viewers in a single day.

You know what? The more I write about this, the more I don't really want to write about this anymore. It just seems like there's a really big hole in Facebook's monitoring system.

Like, did they give everyone Memorial Day Weekend off?

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